Abrasion caused by clinker dust, high heat impact and chemical influences cause problems in a way that kiln burner refractory often has to be repaired after a short time in use. The direct consequences thereof are production loss and high costs for lining material and works.
Heat impact :
Heat impacts the burner tip directly by radiation from the flame. High heat radiation damages even heat resistant refractory materials in combination with chemical influences.
Abrasion :
Different to heat impact abrasion damages the refractory from the burner tip's bottom. Clinker dust with high velocity rises up from the cooler reaching the bottom side of the burner tip sliding along the surface.
While for chemical influences of the kiln atmosphere the selection of the correct lining material is essential, we offer special solutions to reduce damage caused by heat and abrasion.
Against heat impact the burner's outside air ring is equipped with a front plate out of one cast. Although the heat resistant casting is not as resistant as the lining material, it is resistant against chemical influences of the kiln atmosphere. The lower heat resistance is compensated by optimum nozzle cooling and higher restistance against chemical influences.
Against abrasion the tip section (fabricated of high heat resistant cast iron steel) is equipped with ribs around the circumference. These ribs are designed to clamp the lining material between the gaps. In this way the lining material is divided into sections to avoid thermal stress. Under normal conditions the lining material cracks by heat radiation and will finally be destroyed by abrasion. The execution with ribs prevents an early burst of lining material and reduces damages caused by abrasion in this way.
Please ask for special solutions in case of serious troubles with refractory lifetime.